Our product range widely covers :

Click for enlarge image of BALANCED WEAVE Type L/K-9

BALANCED WEAVE (L/K-9, 18-8, 10-6)
Specifications : 18-8, 10-6
18 coils of 8 swg per foot width.
10 crimped cross members of 6 swg per foot length
Service : A Heavy duty balanced weave belt.

Click for enlarge image of ROLLER CHAIN SELVEDGE

Specifications : Belt to suit pitch of the roller chain used.
Roller chain 5/8", 3/4", 1" or 2" pitch
Drive : Sprocket Drive
Service : Designed for high speed sprocket drive with a balanced weave belt for conveying small and medium sized components.

Click for enlarge image of BALANCED WEAVE Type LK-5

BALANCED WEAVE (L/K-5, 60-16, 40-16)
Specifications : 60-16, 40-16
60 coils of 16 swg per foot width.
40 crimped cross members of 16 swg per foot length
Service : All purpose balanced weave belt specially used for I.S. Machine conveyor in glass industry.
Note : Also available 60-20, 40-18
                                         60-18, 40-16

Click for enlarge image of BALANCED WEAVE Type LK-19

BALANCED WEAVE (L/K-19, Type 24-10, 20-10)
Specifications : 24-10, 20-10
24 coils of 10 swg per foot width.
20 crimped cross members of 10 swg per foot length
Service : A general purpose balanced weave conveyor belt. Specially suitable for glass annealing

Click for enlarge image of ROD REINFORCED Type LK-18

RodReinforced (18-12, 18-12)
Specifications : 18-12, 18-12
18 coils of 12 swg per foot width.
18 straight cross members of 12 swg per foot length
Service : Heavy duty belt specially suitable for high temperature furnaces.

Click for enlarge image of BALANCED WEAVE Type LK-4

BALANCED WEAVE (L/K-4, 108-18, 40-18)
Specifications : 108-18, 40-18
108 coils of 18 swg per foot width.
40 straight cross members of 18 swg per foot length.
Service : A medium duty close woven balanced weave belt.
Note : Also available 108-20, 40-18
                                         108-22, 40-20

Click for enlarge image of BALANCED WEAVE Type LK-16

BALANCED WEAVE BELT (L/K-16,  36-12, 22-12)
Specifications : 36-12, 22-12
36 coils of 12 swg per foot width.
22 crimped cross members of 12 swg per foot length
Service : A general purpose balanced weave belt designed for glass annealing.

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